Congratulations to the WHS March Student of the Month, junior Megan Kelly! Megan Kelly has been a consistently hard worker in AP Biology, AP Statistics, and Precalculus this semester. Her determination to master the content material being presented is impressive as she seeks deeper understanding rather than just enough to get by. It is not uncommon to have Megan email questions or to come in for extra help during 8th period, in order to gain a firm grasp of whatever content we are covering at the time. Megan is extremely alert and conscientious in class. She is also very organized and takes stellar notes, in a “textbook example” fashion. Megan is a classroom leader and a genuinely nice person with a high character that is driven to be the best version of her that she can be.
almost 4 years ago, Marsha Walejko
A special thank you to Dairy Queen of Wautoma for sponsoring Dilly Bar Day at WHS last week! The following students found tickets in their Dilly Bar so they win one DQ Blizzard each week for the next year: Yadira Malnory, Caley Stewart, Jeremy Worden, Tanner Gonzales, Thomas Schwartz, and London Longsine.
almost 4 years ago, Marsha Walejko
Meal sign up for Wed. April 14, pick up from 8:30-9 am at the school you choose on the form. This form is due on Thursday by 9:00 a.m.
almost 4 years ago, WASD
First graders at Redgranite Elementary finished their study of light by answering the question "How can we communicate with light? Students worked in pairs to design ways to redirect light using mirrors. They explored ways to communicate long distances using light.
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Bolles
Redgranite Third graders would like to send out a heartfelt "THANK YOU" to all those who supported their community service project. The students ended up collecting 155 sets of new pajamas and $1,000.00 in donations. The money will be used to purchase additional sets of pajamas. The third graders are excited to help the families in Waushara County!
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Bolles
Meal sign up for Wed. April 7, pick up from 8:30-9 am at the school you choose on the form. This form is due on Thursday by 9:00 a.m.
almost 4 years ago, WASD
sign up
Redgranite 2nd grade students at were making observations about different materials. They were deciding if the materials were solids or liquids while using funnels, schoops bottles and vials to scoop, shake and pour. They learned that small materials are called particles. Many particles together can sometimes act like liquids because they pour and take the shape of their container. Particles, however, are solids because they keep their own shape and and can be made into lines and piles.
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Bolles
Third graders at Redgranite would like to send out a heartfelt "THANK YOU" to all the people who participated in the 11th Annual Pajama Drive. Today was the last day of the PJ Drive, so next week students will be calculating the total number of pajamas donated and calculating monetary donations. Once they've calculated the total, they will post an update to Facebook. Thanks again for supporting our cause! We greatly appreciate it.
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Bolles
Yesterday Mrs Walbrun's third graders started learning about area and perimeter. Her students really enjoyed building arrays with Cheese-Its and then finding the area and perimeter of their shapes. The students agreed this activity was both fun and tasty!
almost 4 years ago, WASD
Third Grade
Third Grade
Third Grade
Third Grade
Redgranite third graders began Investigation 2 in science class today. In this investigation students are exploring patterns of motion and trying to answer the question: How can we change the motion of wheel-and-axle systems rolling down ramps? Students built several different wheel-and-axle systems and tested them on a ramp. They observed what happened and then picked their favorite wheel-and-axle system, drew a diagram of it, and also wrote about the pattern of motion they observed.
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Bolles
Redgranite third graders participated in "Trashketball" today. Students have been learning how to use a ruler to measure to the nearest 1/4 of an inch. First, the students worked in partnerships to measure the lengths of eight rectangles. Once they were done measuring they were able to collect a paper basketball for each correct answer. Once they collected their paper basketballs, they played "Trashketball". They could shoot one or two point shots.
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Bolles
Riverview second graders learned about PIE (Author's purpose) this week. Authors write to persuade, inform and entertain. Some even enjoyed a slice of pie. Yum!!
almost 4 years ago, WASD
The Wautoma Area School District Transportation Department recently Adopted a Highway. The portion of the highway that the bus garage will start cleaning in April stretches from Hwy 21 to CTH Y.
almost 4 years ago, WASD
Kindergarten students at Redgranite Elementary School have been learning all about paper! They have learned about all different kinds of paper, how paper is made, how it can be used in various ways, and how paper can be recycled. On Monday, students learned how paper can be used in the process of paper mache. Then they were able to make their own paper mache cups which they can use to hold small items.
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Bolles
Meal sign up for Wed. March 31, pick up from 8:30-9 am at the school you choose on the form. This form is due on Thursday by 5:00 p.m.
almost 4 years ago, WASD
Is your child ready to explore 4K next school year? If so, click the link and start their journey today!
almost 4 years ago, WASD
Redgranite third graders are well on their way to reaching their goal of collecting 200 sets of new pajamas for families in need in Waushara County. They are collecting donations until March 26. Everyone is encouraged to participate in this community service project.  Pajamas can be dropped off at all schools in the district, as well as, the following community locations; Little Sprouts in Redgranite, the Wautoma Health Department in Wautoma and the Public Library in Wautoma.  Please contact Mrs. Petersen, [email protected], if you have any questions or you would like to donate.
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Bolles
8th grade students have been reading a variety of books relating to mental health and social issues in book clubs with fellow students. This week they wrapped up their book clubs by presenting plot diagrams of their novels with their groups in Miss Rauchle's 8th grade language arts class.
almost 4 years ago, Alison Kintigh
8th grade book clubs
8th grade book clubs
8th grade book clubs
The entire Wautoma High School Forensics Team succeeded in earning qualifying scores with every adjudicator at the Level 1 Forensics Meet held in late February. This week they compete at District – Level 2 meet. Please congratulate and wish them well! Our team members are: Ava Butt, Public Address, responded to the question: “To what degree, if any, should internet access be universal?”; Jazmin Ott, Poetry, presented her original free verse poetry; Madylyn Woyak, Poetry, included the poem “Bubble or Bruise” and the more well-known work, “Alone”, by Maya Angelou in her readings; Owen Mulvey, Moment in History, presented a very well-written “moment” on the life of “The Sun King,” Louis, XIV; and Alyssa Szymanski, Dakota McNeal, and Kaydance Blader presented some original poetry by Alyssa Szymanski on race, sexism, and LGBQT rights, along with other curated works in the Group Interpretive category. Alyssa’s poem “The Dogs on My Street” was particularly powerful. Congratulations to all! Best of luck on your continued success and reward for your hard work at the upcoming Level 2 (District) competition in mid-March!
almost 4 years ago, Marsha Walejko
Is your child ready to explore 4K next school year? If so, click the link and start their journey today!
almost 4 years ago, WASD