Wisconsin households are eligible for a final opportunity to order free tests through the Say Yes! COVID Test website while supplies last. Each test kit includes five rapid antigen tests, for a total of 10 self-tests. Self-testing allows for quick results to help people make decisions about their health to prevent spreading the virus to others and protect the health of their community. To request your free kits, visit https://sayyescovidhometest.org/.
over 1 year ago, WASD
DHS has been offering free at-home iHealth COVID-19 tests to all Wisconsin households through the Say Yes! COVID Test program since September 2022. On January 11, 2023, the FDA extended the expiration dates on iHealth brand COVID-19 at-home tests from 12 months to 15 months (a 3-month extension). If your tests appear to be past their expiration date, you can use the lot number on the test package to look up the current expiration date on the FDA list by visiting: https://bit.ly/41VzoUO.
over 1 year ago, WASD
over 1 year ago, WASD
The federal government has announced the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency will end May 11. In Wisconsin, case numbers, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19 are significantly lower than they were during the surge in late 2021 and early 2022, and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has been making plans to move away from an emergency response to the virus. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/3nbO2bn
over 1 year ago, WASD
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do each day for the students, staff, and families throughout the Wautoma Area School District!
over 1 year ago, WASD
The Riverview Character Education Committee recently presented April’s Community Character Trait Award Bank First and BMO Harris Bank for Integrity. Bank First and BMO Harris Bank are banks in our local community. Employees at the bank show integrity in many ways. Integrity means be-ing honest even when no one is looking. Banks need integrity in their employees because they work with money every single day. Other things they need to do are count money correctly, keep track of the money, and make sure it gets to the place it needs to be. Sometimes they do these jobs as a team and sometimes they do these jobs alone. When employees show integri-ty, adults in our community will trust the bank and want to save their money there. It’s im-portant that employees who work at banks also keep people’s information confidential, which means keeping a secret and not sharing people’s addresses and phone numbers. Working with large amounts of money, showing teamwork, and building trust in the community are all the reasons why BMO Harris Bank and Bank First are a perfect fit for our Community Character Trait Award.
over 1 year ago, WASD
Congratulations, Alianna!
over 1 year ago, WASD
Yesterday, the Redgranite Student Council celebrated the students and staff that had birthdays in April and the students that moved into the district after their birthdays! Happy birthday, everyone!
over 1 year ago, Kelly Bolles
To register for Camp Parkside, visit https://bit.ly/445UdhD.
over 1 year ago, WASD
Tomorrow the Riverview Elementary Kindergarten and First Grade students will be performing their Spring Concert at the McComb/Bruchs PAC. The Kindergarteners will start at 12:30 PM, followed by the First Grade at 1:30 PM. There will be a 30 Minute Intermission.
over 1 year ago, WASD
Don't Forget to Thank Your School Secretary! Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for the students, staff, and families throughout the Wautoma Area School District!
over 1 year ago, WASD
To celebrate National School Bus Driver's Day, WHS Student Council members served Casey's breakfast pizza and orange juice to our district's bus drivers. Thank you drivers, for all you do!
over 1 year ago, WASD
Bus Drier
Happy Bus Driver Appreciation Day!
over 1 year ago, WASD
Tim Roeske, youth apprentice welder for CNH (formerly Specialty Enterprises), joined the welding class today to share insights about his success in the welding and youth apprenticeship programs. Tim is a second year apprentice and is graduating high school this May having earned the Welding Production Technical Diploma from Fox Valley Technical College.
over 1 year ago, WASD
The Northeastern Wisconsin Scholastic Press Association recently awarded the 2021-2022 Wautoma High School Yearbook Staff Second Place for their “Stranger Things”-themed book. Congratulations!!
over 1 year ago, WASD
Next Thursday, the Riverview Elementary Kindergarteners and First Graders will be presenting their Spring Concert at the McComb/Bruchs PAC. We hope to see you all there!
over 1 year ago, WASD
Last time 5th grade and Kindergarten buddied up, they made Spring Bunnies! Getting together and making these crafts made the entire day 'hoppier'. Happy Spring from Redgranite Elementary Kindergarten and 5th grade.
over 1 year ago, Kelly Bolles
On April 19th, the annual South Central Conference Top Ten Banquet was held at Wisconsin Dells High School. During the ceremony, the Class of 2023 Top Ten Seniors from each of the conference schools were recognized. The Wautoma High School Class of 2023 Top Ten students, parents, and family members, along with Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Rheinheimer, attended the event to support and celebrate their amazing academic accomplishments. Thank you to the teachers, staff members, families, and community that supported their educational journey! Pictured are: (front row): Veronica Hernandez, Greggory Hammel, Sydney Dunn, Ava Butt and Sabrina Adair; (back row) Madylyn Woyak, Christian Weiss, Kylie Kline, and Caprice Juday. Not pictured: Emma Nguyen.
over 1 year ago, WASD
Top 10
Please welcome Mrs. Elizabeth Hell as the newest member of the Wautoma High School Science Department starting this fall! Mrs. Hell will be coming to WHS from Almond-Bancroft High School where she currently teaches Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Advanced Chemistry, Medical Terminology (Dual Credit), and Basic Anatomy. Her mission is to make classes relevant to students in order to provide connections to their everyday lives. Welcome to Wautoma High School, Mrs. Hell!!
over 1 year ago, WASD
The Parkside 4th Graders will be presenting their Spring Concert "Campfire Songs on the Beach" tomorrow at 2 PM. The concert will be held in the lower gym of Parkside School. We hope to see you all there!
over 1 year ago, WASD