With the extension of the Safer at Home Order on April 16th, Governor Evers’ General Counsel has defined the end of the 2019-2020 school year as June 30th, 2020. This means that school buildings and associated grounds are closed to students for instructional and extracurricular activities through that date. Therefore, I must regretfully inform you that the 2020 Camp Parkside/Summer School and A+ Summer Camp Programs are cancelled.
If after June 30th, the Governor’s Order is lifted or becomes less restrictive, we are in the process of creating a modified summer school plan for face to face remedial and skill development instruction in English Language Arts and Math offered to 2019-2020 Kindergarten through 8th grade students from August 3rd to August 21st. If we still cannot have students in the buildings at this time, we are also working on a potential virtual learning platform for this remedial and skill development instruction.
Please Note - The August Summer School Plan is tentatively scheduled based upon the Governmental Order changing to be less restrictive and based upon the ability to staff the program in August. During the summer, I will communicate with you regularly regarding updates and the potential for enrollment into this programming in August.