
The results from the recent Wautoma Area School District Community Survey were presented by School Perceptions Research Director and Project Manager Rob DeMeuse, Ph.D., during the Board of Education’s Work Meeting on Aug. 5 at Parkside School.

DeMeuse noted that 785 residents completed the survey, which is a response rate of 14%, and considerably above the threshold of 400 surveys needed to be representative of community sentiment. About 74% of the respondents stated they do not have children in the school, which is common to most Wisconsin communities, he stated.

DeMeuse explained of the 785 residents who answered the survey, 77% of staff, 63% of parents, and 43% of non-parent/non-staff respondents for a weighted total of 70%, responded that the district should make little to no investment in the current Riverview Elementary School building. However, the $44.1M price tag to replace the school was not supported, with each subgroup reporting the tax impact would be too high coupled with concern about tax increases by other taxing entities and recent property value reassessments.

Fifty-three percent of respondents based on population demographics support addressing district maintenance needs and secure entries for all remaining schools for an amount less than $16M with a significant number of respondents saying 4th-5th graders should stay at elementary schools.  

Superintendent Jewel Mucklin stated, “We are very pleased with the number of surveys taken; the willingness to participate shows the community is invested in our schools and wants to be part of the solution to address the facility needs. The feedback from the community was invaluable, through prioritization, in guiding the best plan moving forward to meet our District facility needs.” 

Board President Nicole Lehr added, “The survey results are very useful to the Board as we weigh the significant needs of the District with the community’s input. WASD community members clearly support the schools and want the best learning environments we can provide. We will work to finalize a plan that is responsive to both student and taxpayer needs.”

The WASD Board of Education will be considering options based on the survey in consultation with architecture firm PRA and construction company Findorff during the month of August.  A vote on a referendum question is expected at the Aug. 19 Work Meeting in the Parkside School Library. The full survey results can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.