
Voters in the Wautoma Area School District rejected a $41.3 million facilities referendum on Tuesday April 4, 2023. The “unofficial” results are 1,789 (58%) votes against, 1,281 (42%) votes in favor. The funds would have been used to acquire new land and construct a new elementary school with up-to-date safety and security systems, energy efficient systems, increased surface parking and smoother traffic flow.

“The Wautoma School Board and Administration are disappointed that we will not be moving forward with the construction of a new elementary school at this time,” commented Tom Rheinheimer, District Administrator. “The School Board and Administration will carefully consider our next steps in continuing to improve the quality of education we provide without the referendum, and we are grateful to the community for their support and input.”

 If you have any additional questions, please contact Tom Rheinheimer, District Administrator at (920) 787-7112, or via email at [email protected].