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Wautoma Area School District
Building Positive Foundations for the Success of Our Children
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Project and Financial FAQs
What is different this time?
Why do you keep coming back to referendum if it is failing?
Why are there two facility questions?
Why is Riverview closing regardless of the outcome of the referendums?
Why are you reconfiguring grades?
Why do you have such high maintenance costs?
What happens if only question 1 passes?
What happens if only question 2 passes?
How Much Will It Cost?
Estimated Tax Impact
What is the Long-Range Facilities Plan
Why is WASD going to referendum again in April 2025
Why is April 2025 an important time to go to referendum?
What is the Long-Range Facilities Plan?
What is on the Ballot in April 2025?
How Much Will it Cost?
Will adding an addition to the high school cause issues with 6-8 and 9-12 in the same building?
Will the middle school addition cause problems for sports?
What is a facility study?
Why did the district need to conduct a facility study?
When was the facility study done?
What was the result of the facility study?
What is an educational adequacy assessment?
How accurate are the dollar figures in the facility study?
Is the district planning on closing any of its facilities?
Why Weren’t These Updates That Were Needed Made Years Ago?
Does the Wautoma Area School District Compete with Surrounding District Curriculum Offerings?
Redgranite is Good Right Now - What Does the Future Look Like and What If It Is Not Good in 10 Years?
Reassessments are Taking Place in 2024 and Property Taxes are Going Up. How Much Will the Referendum Affect Taxes?
What Happens If We Keep getting “No” Answers and the School Becomes Unsafe?
How does Wisconsin school finance work?
What is the district doing to address current maintenance needs?
How can the district be certain that the total project will not exceed $39.8 million?
Has the district taken into consideration the reassessment that is taking place in Waushara County, and the impact that may have on taxpayers?
When will the Waushara County Government Center tax impact be on my property tax bill?
Does the Wautoma Area School District have any debt?
What is reassessment?
How with the Waushara YMCA impact by taxes?
How common are referendums and when was the last time Wautoma Area School District went to referendum?
Why are we not making Parkside a K-8 campus?
If referendum 1 passes but 2 does not, will the board go back to the drawing board and heavily look into a Parkside addition? Or will the grade configurations stay as presented and no future changes be made?
If referendum 2 passes- I understand 6-8 would be on a different bell schedule. Will 6-8 share a gym with the high schoolers where their paths would cross?
If referendum 2 passes- Will there be locker rooms added for 6-8 boys and girls?
If referendum 2 passes- Will they share a lunchroom with the HS or will one be in the new addition?
If referendum 2 passes-Will there be outside space for the kids? They currently have recess time.
Why are we not looking at eliminating Redgranite school?
Why are we changing our student grade configuration to please and make it “easier” for 100 students? We’re making 87% of our students change to accommodate 13%?
What happens when Redgranite costs more money to maintain and fix than its worth like Riverview? Will the District look at closing it then and joining that school with Parkside and the HS? Or will we be going to referendum again in 20 years for a new Redgranite school?
If the school is hurting for money so badly, wouldn’t it be better for the district to go down to 2 buildings to maintain? The cost savings for water, electricity, heat, building maintenance, a secure entrance, parking lot and more that we could save by closing Redgranite could be allocated to our two remaining schools.